a Couple journey to .. 

A couple journey to…

Tandem Couple is a training journey for young couples who want to take care of their relationship, improve their communication skills, and simply be happy ! This journey will lead each one to think by him/herself, have in-depth discussion with his/her partner, and share with other couples, through 20 topics of everyday couple life.

To be happy as a couple

The better we know each other, the better we love each oher !

Reflect toghether

To speak truly and better understand each other

Set solid foundations

By adressing numerous topics with the help of a tailor-made course.


Acquire quality communication habits


Tandem Couple has helped us to better know each other, by making us having in-depth discussions, by giving us the opportunity to learn from others experience. It has been a very rich journey !

Élodie & Thomas

« Our life has changed because thanks to our Tandem Couple experience we comunicate in a better way, we don’t fear anymore to adress a delicate matter, and our couple is stronger. »

Laura & Jules

Would appreciate some support to launch Tandem at your place ?

If you want to set up a Tandem Couple course where you are, and would like to have some support, please contact our referent couple at international@equipestandem.org. They will answer your questions, provide documentation and advice.

Who are we ?

Tandem Couple is a creation of Equipes Notre Dame, a christian movement composed of thousands of fraternal couple teams throughout the world.